Sunday, February 20, 2011

What limitations does a person with colorblindness have?

The only limitations most people believe that a colorblind person has is the fact that they cannot see like the average person. This is true however this is more of an annoyance than a real issue or limitation.  Still, here are some examples of limitations I run into. I often have problem with picking out my clothes. Simply put, I don't know what is complimentary and what is not. I also have problems with maps and their color-coded legends.

As I start driving, I'll encounter the most dangerous risk a colorblind person can have,  traffic lights. They call it red-green colorblindness for a reason folks! 1 out of 14 colorblind males struggle with the issue of differentiating stop from go. Interestingly enough, if you are a colorblind person, you may be able to drive better at night since you are using your rods instead of your cones.

A huge problem for colorblind people is trouble finding work. For instance, a colorblind person might not be able to get a pilot's licence or be able to drive a train or boat. Like I mentioned before, a colorblind person could wear the color helping glasses to help with the some problems.

In conclusion, sometimes colorblindness can be a huge problem, like in differentiating different traffic lights. Sometimes, it can be a minor annoyance, and sometimes we don't notice it at all. I just hope everyone realizes a color blind individual's quirks and helps them out.


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