Thursday, February 24, 2011

How is the disease diagnosed?

The disease is often suspected by seeing a child having trouble with colors, however, this is not always a sure sign of color blindness. To have a professional check you, go to an eyedoctor, or take one of the many tests online, such as The online and the eyedoctor both use the Ishihara test, and the test is very successful in diagnosing what kind of colorblindness you might have. The Ishihara test was devoloped by Shinobu Ishihara while working at the Military Medical School in order to screen military recruits for abnormalities. A collection of thirty-eight plates filled with colored dots fill the base of this test. The dots are colored in different shades and a number or shape is hidden inside with shades of another color. An example of one would be the boat I put in a previous entry.

Source for Ishihara

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